Fine Art Prints

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DeanMichaelArt Fine Art Prints

DeanMichaelArt Fine Art Prints provides professional, high-quality fine art prints of original artwork at an affordable price point, allowing customers to own artwork without emptying their wallets.

Most, if not all, pieces in the Gallery sections can be made into prints, here are just a few…


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Common Sizes

Prices vary with size and material


$80.00 20% off $64.00


$432.00 20% off $345.00


$320.00 20% off $256.00

Featured Product

Featured Product

The Old Cretan Man

Portraits of Greek heroes and dancers alike from different regions in their respected garb; weary eyes from the decades of life’s wear on their souls. printed on cotton canvas. 16x20.


20% off $300.00

Large Markdown

Large Markdown


A 1963 7-up bottle found dug in a forest preserve, a parliament cigarette box housing an obsession with toothpicks, an old cigar box filled with my art materials, a trash can with my paint brushes retired in thinner, and a pair of raggedy old boots creates this still life that bleeds one word: Nostalgia.

Printed on Cotton Canvas

$864.00 40% off $518.00

Instruments X Roads.

Music is a roadmap for culture and Instruments are the vessels that follow the path.

ταξίμι, (Taqsimi)

$130.00-$432.00 20% off $104.00-$345.00


$216.00-$864.00 20% off $172.00-$690.00


$80.00-$432.00 20% off $64.00-$345.00

Roadmaps in Maqam

$154.00-$864.00 20% off $123.00-$690.00